It's been a very good 37 years. Mabuhay!
Wow this is great. I am writing this blog using Microsoft Office and when I want to publish this I just hit "Publish" command.
I normally write posts in Word anyway, then I do the old trick of "copy and pasting" it to my blog. But doing it this way gives me problems with fonts and font sizes. As you may notice from my previous posts, I do not have a standard font. It's fully unintentional, I just couldn't fix it! And now I think Microsoft Office Word 2007 All-In-One Desk Reference for Dummies just made my life a lot easier.
It's a book that my husband ordered from Amazon. He is in the middle of writing his thesis for his PhD and he said he just wanted to know more about MS Word for future reference. Boy I'm glad he ordered this book! It's full of cool stuff, things you wouldn't even know are there. It's a really powerful piece of software I must say, or maybe I'm just a geek!
Word provides Blogging through the Publish command of the Office button. This command starts a process that takes your blog entry and moves it to your blog. It's brilliant!
Some bloggers probably have been using this for a long time but I just discovered this now. Of course some bloggers also use a Web-based entry screen, so it means logging-in to your blog account and start writing and click publish when it's ready. Sounds just as easy as MS Word Blogging capability, but sometimes when you are in the middle of a thought and just want to scribble something quickly, MS Word is my first choice. I find the interface inside web entry a bit unfriendly. Or maybe I am just unfamiliar with it.
I really like these books for 'Dummies'. I think it's a great idea. But one thing is for sure, you wouldn't be a dummy anymore after reading them!